Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Capacity Building Seminar

Capacity building - Project Management Seminar

Beneficiaries:  200 young men and women college graduate and small business owners

Venue: Baghdad Municipality Hall, Baghdad

Giving lectures in Project Management; Introducing methods and application for procedural planning and analytical problem solving as an essential mindset for young managers.

Capacity Building - Project Management Seminar

Beneficiaries: 25 Iraqi Engineers

Venue: Site office of Arc-P Consult in Baghdad Airport Road Project.

In cooperation with Arc-P Consult, a US project management company owned by Director of International Bridge, Mr. Adel Saidely, we have developed an ongoing program to train young Iraqi engineers in applying contemporary method procedures of management in construction fields.

Arc-P Seminar

Capacity Building - Preparing Young Leaders

Beneficiaries: 25 college graduates and small business owners

Venue: IDC building, Baghdad

In cooperation with our local partner organization “Al-Bashir Non-Profit”, directing a Risk Management Seminars, 1 week course introducing and applying procedure analytical approach in problem solving and risk anticipation for young managers.

Peace Building - Women Empowerment

Oppose Violence Against Women in Iraq

The contribution of our local sister organization “Al-Bashir Non-Profit” to the most important event in regard to Iraqi women empowerment chaired by Iraqi political and religious leader H.E. Sayyed Ammar Al Hakim. This annual conference aims to promote opposition to violence against women and to empower Iraqi women in cooperation with the world community.

Women Empowerment